Prince William County Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicyclists in Prince William County, VA, have many of the same rights, privileges, and obligations as motorists. Yet all too often, drivers treat them as second-class road users, crowding them when passing, making unsafe turns in front of them, and simply not exercising the due care they’re entitled to. This behavior puts cyclists at serious risk of injuries — injuries for which those drivers are to blame.

Were you hurt in a bicycle accident in Northern Virginia? If someone else was at fault, they should have to pay for the consequences, including your medical bills, any income you’ve lost, the property they damaged, and the pain and suffering they caused you. Let D. Michael Mullori, Jr., Attorney at Law demand this money on your behalf.

Mike Mullori has been fighting for accident victims since 1999 and has the experience you can count on in your time of need. What’s more, he will get to work on your case at no upfront cost. Instead, Mike only collects a fee if he secure compensation on your behalf.

Ready to talk to a bicycle accident lawyer in Prince William County? Then contact Mike today for a free, no-obligation consultation and case review.

What Are the Virginia Bicycle Laws?

Virginia law considers bicyclists as road users, just like motorists, with comparable rights and responsibilities. These laws require you, as a cyclist, to:

  • Ride on the right side of the road and in the same direction as other traffic
  • Look both ways before entering a roadway
  • Stop at all intersections and use hand signals to indicate turns
  • Dismount and walk your bike if you find yourself in a traffic situation beyond your cycling abilities
  • Park your bike only where it will not impede pedestrians, emergency lanes, or building entrances

Additionally, bicycles must be equipped with a front headlight and a red rear reflector to be ridden at night.

While there is no statewide rule requiring you to wear a helmet, individual jurisdictions can pass laws mandating that children 14 and younger do so. Still, it’s a good idea to wear a helmet when you cycle, as they have been found to reduce the risk of a head injury by over 50 percent.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

While every bicycle accident is unique, there are some common causes that Mike Mullori often sees in the cases he handles:

  • Distracted Driving – Inattention is a leading cause of all types of accidents, including those involving bicyclists. Drivers who are texting, eating, talking on the phone, or otherwise not paying full attention to the road can easily overlook a cyclist.
  • Dooring – This happens when a driver or passenger opens a car door into the path of an oncoming cyclist.
  • Unsafe Turning – Drivers often underestimate a bicyclist’s speed or fail to see them when making turns.
  • Failing to Yield – Accidents often occur when drivers fail to yield to bicyclists at intersections or when changing lanes.
  • Drunk or Impaired Driving – Substance impairment reduces reaction time and impairs judgment, which can be deadly for vulnerable cyclists.
  • Speeding – Drivers who are speeding have less time to react to unexpected situations and are more likely to cause severe injuries in a collision.
  • Rear-Ending – These accidents occur when a vehicle hits a bicycle from behind, often because a driver misjudges the speed or space needed to pass a cyclist safely.
  • Poor Road Conditions – Potholes, debris, lack of bike lanes, and poor street lighting can all make it impossible to maintain control of a bicycle.

What to Do After a Bike Accident

The aftermath of a bike accident can be a blur, especially if you’ve been seriously injured. Still, it’s important to understand that your actions during this crucial time can significantly impact your ability to recover fair compensation for your injuries and losses. Once you’ve gotten medical help, consider taking the following steps:

  • Document Your Injuries and Losses – Take photographs of any injury and any damage to your bicycle or other personal property in the accident. Make a note of any pain or other symptoms you’re experiencing.
  • Notify Your Insurance Provider – If you have auto insurance, you should report the accident to your provider. Remember to stick to the facts and avoid admitting fault or giving more information than necessary.
  • Take Notes – If you haven’t already, try to write down as much information about the accident as possible. This includes the driver’s details, anything you remember about the scene, and anyone who might have seen the accident.
  • Do Not Discuss the Accident Publicly – Refrain from discussing the accident, especially on social media. Anything you say can potentially be used against you by insurance companies and defense lawyers eager to avoid paying you the compensation you deserve.
  • Keep All Receipts – Medical bills, repair costs for your bicycle, and the cost of traveling to and from doctor’s appointments are all compensable losses you can include in your bicycle accident claim. Document all these expenses.

Once you’ve taken these steps, it’s time to consult with a reputable Prince William County bicycle accident law firm. An attorney can help explain your legal rights, gather evidence, build your bicycle injury case, and handle negotiations with the insurance company. Not only is a lawyer more adept at handling accident claims, but by doing so on your behalf, they also give you the time and space you deserve to focus on your health.

How Long Do I Have to File a Bicycle Accident Claim in Virginia?

In Virginia, the law provides a specific window of time to file a lawsuit for a bicycle accident. This law, known as a statute of limitations, gives you two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. This time limit applies to both personal injury claims for bodily harm and property damage claims.

These are general guidelines, and certain circumstances may shorten or extend this period. An experienced lawyer in Prince William County can tell you if anything particular to your bicycle accident case might affect your deadline for filing suit.

What Are Common Types of Injuries from Bicycle Accidents?

Bicycle accidents can result in a variety of injuries, many of which can be life-altering. These injuries include the following:

  • Head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Road rash
  • Internal injuries
  • Psychological trauma

Recoverable Compensation in a Bicycle Accident Lawsuit

A bicycle accident can leave you facing substantial costs, physical pain, and emotional distress. However, if someone else was to blame for the accident, they could owe you compensation for these and other losses. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you could be entitled to money for your:

  • Medical Expenses – This includes costs for hospital stays, surgeries, physical therapy, prescription medication, and any future medical care you might need due to your injuries.
  • Lost Wages – If your injuries forced you to take time off work, you could be compensated for those lost earnings. And if you cannot return to your job or your earning capacity is reduced, you may also claim compensation for lost future earnings.
  • Pain and Suffering – The physical pain and emotional distress caused by an accident is every bit as real as any other loss, and every bit as compensable, too.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life – If your injuries prevent you from enjoying hobbies, recreational activities, or other life pleasures, you may be entitled to this form of compensation.
  • Property Damage – This includes the cost to repair or replace your bicycle and any other personal property damaged in the accident.

While no amount of money can truly make up for the pain and trauma of a bicycle accident, financial compensation can alleviate the burden of unexpected costs and help you focus on healing. Contact a Prince William County attorney today for help demanding the money you deserve from those responsible for your injuries in a bicycle accident.

Why You Need a Prince William County Bicycle Accident Attorney

Pursuing compensation for a bicycle accident can be complex and daunting, especially while you’re recovering from injuries. This is where a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney in Prince William County can make a substantial difference. Mike Mullori can help you by:

  • Explaining your rights and the relevant laws that might affect your case
  • Investigating the accident to determine who is to blame — and who could owe you money
  • Working with experts to calculate the extent of your losses and what fair compensation entails
  • Negotiating with liable insurers for a full and fair settlement
  • Taking the case to court if it’s the best way to demand the money you deserve

More importantly, Mike will do all this without charging you any upfront fees. He will only get paid if he recovers compensation for you. Mike firmly believes that the size of your bank account shouldn’t be an impediment to getting the justice and accountability you deserve.

A former active-duty military officer, Mike has always been service-minded. He’s been connected to the community in Prince William County since he was in high school, and now, he proudly serves the people in that community who have been injured by the wrongdoing of others. Mike only works on personal injury cases and is a member of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association.

Contact a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Prince William County Today

Did someone hit you while you were riding your bike? If so, they could owe you compensation for the harm you suffered, from your medical bills and lost wages to the pain and suffering you experienced because of your injuries. Mike Mullori is here to help you pursue the compensation you need. Contact him today for a free consultation and case review.